Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Unsaid

Voices lost in whispers..Whispers lost in thought
In-vain the deepest of expressions and loveliest of words
In-vain the efforts that went in to the making
In the shadow of the unsaid - defeated they stand

Wish it could be simple, wish it could be easy
That a Simple "Good bye and I am gonna miss you"
could do- for what I wanted to say or do
Wish there was a something that would say it all

Something that could say all that I now withheld
Something that could convey these feelings
In their entirity- untarnished, unadultered
And make them survive the ravages of time

So that when the time comes to bid adieu
And I can no longer live like it wont
When farewells have to be said in words
I will not have to regret all that has been left- unsaid


  1. Apollo! abt the campus and college life, or a girl?

  2. :D grl ob :D... college life ni miss avvataniki scope ledu... my PS is like mini-college :D all gamers and full sports facilities only thing i did in campus :P

  3. :^) evvarama aa girl??? :P :P :P
