Friday, October 30, 2009


In a society filled with options one would think choosing was the primordial, undeniable right of every human being. Indeed most people would consider themselves free, a freedom guarded by rules and bound by principles but freedom none-the-less. We are all social animals with a desire to please, to express, to be heard and acknowledged. Our choices thus are influenced by more factors than what we are ready to perceive. In total ignorance of the popular belief, my personal opinion is that the world is becoming a better place; the generation is slowly shifting from a self-centered approach to one involving empathy and consideration for the needs and plights of others. Fortunately enough we cannot claim to have attended classes in consideration or taken courses in kindness, we are growing into better human beings, evolving of natural accord.
Thus our decisions are no longer the simple - which option benefits me the most, but which option am I interested in? Is there a chance for me to help someone else here? Is it environmentally sound? Our choices too have accordingly conformed to cater to our various factors. We have moved on from the dilemma of making right or wrong choices to making ethically, socially and of course personally right decisions. The freedom to choose has therefore unconsciously been given up, rather given-in to other choices we made. Hundreds among us today lovingly keep doing what they do not love for reasons I cannot hope to list here. In full knowledge of the outcome, with the realization that their actions have consequences for themselves and for others they slog along the path predetermined for them by fate and people around them.
Out of the blue we now have varied ‘ethnic’ groups, the dudes, the wannabe’s, the magnets all victims of their choices, their need to be acknowledged by society. It is not my idea to stand up for the social outcaste either, it’s just that we are losing the bravado to do what we like and see where it takes us. The road less taken is slowly becoming the road not taken thanks to our choices. The tons of engineers spilling out onto the streets of our country everyday are live tribute of how our choices are made. The world needs lawyers, economists, pharmacists; hell cab drivers even, but all we are is another engineer- by will or force. Our ‘free’ choice is being heavily influenced by peers, salaries, the hopes of parents and the stature in society. Are we truly free then? Should our choosing to be loved or accepted mean we are curtailed? Does conforming to a framed stereotype really mean more than living as we like? I say stand up for your likes, stick to what you think, listen to your heart and experience firsthand the joy of being truly free :)